Saturday, January 25, 2020

Individual Opinion on Homosexuality and Religion

Individual Opinion on Homosexuality and Religion Some people in the society believe homosexuality to be an illness and that it could be rectified. But most of of the processes of round the revolve psychological therapies which expects to change homosexual sexuality to heterosexual), the worlds largest association of psychologists American Psychological Association (APA), stated that; But the strongly religion believes that homosexuality is a sinful act which is against the bible and is and has a direct breach of the bible and other religious books. Moreover, some two founders of a ministry put to finish homosexuals later described their programme as ineffective since not even one person was changed. The issue of eradicating homosexuality has became a political debate in America, with Christian political organisations supporting the slogan of changing homosexuality through force of will alone. They argue that many people are leaving their homosexual lifestyles due to sexual celibacy and marriage issues. Optionally, homosexual rights organisations argue that the views about gays and lesbians views misunderstand the meaning of a gay,and this sprouts to discrimination against the gay and lesbian people. additionally, the American Psychological Association(APA) has carried out a systematic research, which have resulted to that the psychological strategies are neither effective nor do they at any time change the sexual orientation, however instead they can cause a considerable harm. The views of the society on homosexuality The research shows that the views concerning homosexuality are specifically very the society it depends on the culture and religios is viewed that diffent people view the issue differently according to the cultural values of their society.gays and lesbians have civil rights which support their acts.however the religion does not agree wioth the acts since it views it as a sin and against the laws of the bible and any other holy book.but in the recent past individuals have tried to negotiate religion inorder for them to be accomondated in the society. Due to the fact that homosexuality is genetically inherited then some persons thing its bad to call the action sinful.because this is untrue conclusion, and for important reasons. Firstly, being wrongly prounounced, it stems up the the debate off course. The founders and staters of the Church deal with certain acts and doings but though not with such wrong terms as homosexuality. The question that rises in this is if homosexual traits are genetic, then how logical is to accuse such person of engaging in a sinful actions of homosexuality?.The issue that arises here are that homosexuality should be given a better wording despite the fact that the action is considered wrong. Despite the fact that largen sexual performance may be due to the genetic composition of our bodies this do not gurantee that such persons with such large sexual needs committing fornication is not sinfil but the fact remains that such actions are sinful before the holy book of God and its something to be shunnerd in the society and such acts are just like any other sin commitrted by a Christian. Sometimes the peoples genetic composition might make/lead them to violent disposition and this is sinning meaning that inclining is sinning just like when such a person commits murder or treats people with violence in the society Generally, homosexual is considered as a deviance and behavior that do not comply with the social norms and values of the society, hence therefore is socially created. Since many persons in the United States society believes that homosexuality is wrongful, society has made and highlighted homosexuality to be a a moral wrong. Since moral wrong is relative and not absolute to a society. Homosexuality is not a universal form of sexual immorality. There are most cultures that allow and support this forms of homosexuality. The Western society defy it though, and mostly this has lead to the non-accepting view resulting to discrimination towards homosexuals. But despite all this they should understand that homosexuality is a way of survival for some persons even if minority in the society and they should be accepted and accomondated the way they are and not isolating the in the society. The Church also encourages those who endure from the feel and passion of homosexuality. Additionally, the Church can usually and surely do a admierable work with this minority group that exists within her flock, moreover it can also reach out and accomondate them since such people, have much compassion especially when dealing with peoples who suffer from different sexual passions. Mo More so the Church is still should considers such sexual behaviors as passions even in the presence of modern scientific research that shows how homosexuality in particular have a genetic origin also. (Camperio-Ciani ). Problems of homosexuality the moral, religious and legal attitudes in trials to curb sexual behavior have interfeared with a clear view of the medical and psychological aspects of homosexuality. This phenomenon is probably much less destructive of social aspects of our society and culture than is generally believed, since it is actually more widespread than is generally acknowledged.( Norman Reider, pp 381-384) Homosexuality usually has hormonal,social and psychological factors,where the latter of which are the only ones which can be worked with successfully in our present state . A general practitioners task is to aid those who wish and need help with this problem in finding psychiatric treatment in the same way that persons with any other emotional disturbance are referred. This should be carried out without bias just as with any other emotional disturbance.( Norman Reider pp 381-384). Increase in the divorce cases due to increased engagement in the among gays and lesbian marriage hence reduced number of heterosexual marriages.also there is a significant number of unmarried men and women in the society. Also Homosexuals are unproductive in character this poses a threat to the societys survival -in the homosexual marriages the acts involved do not lead to production and this stems oup the issue of the society since this will lead to no tomorrows generation in the society hence therefore thi act is considered immoral in the society and harmful. The recent studies and researches show that the homosexuals have a greater chance of getting psychiatric problems than the heterosexual.such problems are accompanied by some instances such as high rates of suicide,depressin and antisocial personality disorders also use of drugs or substance abuse.( By N.E. Whitehead, Ph.D. Author of My Genes Me Do It) Homosexuals pose a threat to children-the presence of few homosexuals who do not exercise their normalities. These persons sin against the creator and there is no doubt that they are leading to total destruction of the both the family and our nation. I Pat opposed homosexuals and will do he said that he could do everything he could to restrict the freedom of these people to spread their contagious infection to the youth of our nation.( Pat Robertson, May 24, 1994 letter). Homosexuality is a sad and disillusioning lifestyle-this lifestyle is full of stressfull moments hence things are always stressfull;homosexuality poses and brings about the increased incidences of suicide among gay teenagers,the issues of isolation ,discrimination and the cases of violences increase in the society Homosexuality causes AIDS and other sexually transimited diseases which are and deadly-hence it does not argue whether homosexuality immensely affects the society or not because homosexuals since AIDS more than heterosexuals; this is due to the fact that the same sex are mo prone to such diseases. infact, it is successful to examine the kind of character s that are favourable to HIV infection, and such traits are shown and noticeable by and on the gays Homosexuals needs unique political rights and systems.-Different homosexuals want various things in the real life of politics but there should be equality under the law implying that no special or unique or specific treatments or a favours should be performed to a certain unique group of persons alone but just incase such happens then the same should be granted to the othern persons in the same society.The most important areas specifically concerning homosexuality is, marriage laws and government discrimination. Homosexuality undermines religion therefore leading to stability in the society-The argument stems up problems in some several areas in the society,such areas are such as: Firstly, many of people think its highly beneficial if religion is undermined and we furthermore think its not correct to compare the widespread of religion with stability (whatever that is; probably, the definition is tautological, such that stability is defined as following some religion). As is clear from several essays on morality on my atheism page, it is quite possible to have a well-functioning society with caring individuals without any religion at all. Homosexual behavior is also linked with higher rates of promiscuity, physical disease, mental illness, substance abuse, child sexual abuse and domestic violenceall things that impact society negatively. Dont try to say homosexual behavior doesnt hurt societyit is a major force that tears down society and harms children. Causes of homosexuality The causes of homosexuality in the modern society maybe due to:genetics inheritance where t where,he baby is born with the gene of homosexuality u in him/her especially from the X-gene from the mother mostly.hormonal imbalance During the boy is born with features that are some common with the homosexuals than in the population. such traits might be inherited (genetic), while others might have been caused by the change in the hormones Jeffrey suggests that someone without these traits will be somewhat less likely to become homosexual later than someone with the( Jeffrey Satinover,M.D. ) Environmental factors. This comes on various developmental growth needs children kids have, needs for friendship with the parent of the same sex and age-mates of the same sex.Its through this that we understand that the children are not simply born with a sense of their own gender built is formed through the connections and friendships they form with the others, mostly the age bracket of the same sex age-mates.the children always look upon the parent of the same sex first and then to same peers to form their own sexul groupings inorder to understand how they suit in,and the value they own whether male or female.If this connection lacks then children dont form a healthy same sex bond and such needs for same sex go unsatisfied then they intensify and take another form. (Satinover, 1996). The developmental factors combined with genetic temperament, impacts perceptions, which all go to the development of homosexuality. Sexual abuse (molestation) or traumatic experiences. They contribute to the development of same-sex affection(attractions). personal choice,prenatal hormone defect,lack of bondage between the child and the parent of the same sex. Reincarnation Is homosexual judged harshly? Yes, homosexuals are treated with hostility in the societyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the reasons to show this discrimination are given below:- It is said that gays are not natural. And real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning. The society things that gay marriage encourage people to be gays since the behaviuor of people affect others, It is ctritisiced that encouraging gays to marry will lead open all kinds of crazy behaviors. And even people may even decide to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract. Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasnt changed at all like many of the principles on which this great country was founded; women are still property, blacks still cant marry whites, and divorce is still illegal. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of marriages like Britney Spears 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed. Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldnt be allowed to marry because our orphanages arent full yet, and the world needs more children. Its also assumed that obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children. Religion do not support marriage of gays . since in many countries the cultures and religions do not sccept such even in the country. Its also criticized that children cannot succeed without the role models of the both sexes. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. Thats why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we havent adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans The church which is expected to act as the guide to the society about the issue of homosexuality provides the guidelines for such other than the society being so harsh to the people with such minor traits.The church gives the guide lines on the issue- The church says that homosexuality is supposed to be seen as the result of humanitys rebellion against God, against his own nature and well-being and and its not supposed to be seen as a way of surviving and acting for men and women who are created in the likeness and the image of Gods. It also says that the people with homosexual tendencies are supposed to seek assistance in discovering the specific causes of their homosexual orientation, and to work toward overcoming its harmful effects in their lives. The church also provides that homesexual persons who accept the Orthodox faith and everyone else who believes and struggles,instructed and counseled in the Orthodox Christian doctrine and ascetical life hence therefore the persons still in need to justify their behavioral traits in the society may not be included and accomondated in the Churchs sacramental processes,this is due to the fact that the sct of doing so would not assist them but rather harm them. It also suggests that the psychiatrists who are involved and deal with persons with homosexual orientation should be given assistance inorder to help such peoples in their thoughts,actions and feelings with theb regard on the issue of homosexuality. Such assistance will be ideal especially if given to the necessary parents, relatives and friends of the affected individuals in the society.additionally, It is certainly necessary for pastors and church workers also to be given such assistance to be too involved in the rehabilitation of the same. These affirmations on marriage, family, sexuality, and the sanctity of life are issued by the Holy Synod of Bishops on the occasion of the Tenth All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America (Miami, Florida, July, 1992) Conclusion Its evident that in all societal moral disorders,therefore it follows that homosexuality too leads to the prevention of ones self fulfillment of goals and objectives and the joy experienced by acting and complying with the creativity and the enduring wisdom of the god the almighty and the moral values in the society. The Church, and the society in complete objection of the different erroneous opinions on the issue concerning homosexuality, do not by any means reduce neither does it limit but rather defends and selfishly oppresses the personal freedom and dignity realistically and authentically understood. Moreover the church is looked upto to regulate the societal moral values and the peoples behavior but at the same time it should leave a room for the minorities with contrary opinions in the society.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Need for Immigration Reform

Immigration refers to the movement of people from one country to settle in another. In the United States of America, foreigners have since time immemorial been moving in and settling in the U.S. Immigration brings about culture change as different people have varying cultures. There has been sharp disintegration between those who are naturally in the U.S and those who came to settle there. In most cases they were excluded from the U.S citizenship. The Mc Carran-Walter Act, which is also known as the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, establishes the basic laws of citizenship and immigration in the U.S. over the years this law has undergone several changes. The law initially admitted a certain number of immigration of each nationality. This means that on attaining the specified number of immigrants other people were excluded from U.S. (Bromwell 225) In 1965, the congress passed a law that paved way to immigrants with certain skills needed by the U.S. It also allowed close relatives of U.S citizens the preference to live in U.S. In 1990, a law was passed that reinforced the 1965 one. Aliens were allowed to attain U.S citizenship but after being admitted as legal immigrants. Again, those who fled to the U.S after being officially certified as refugees could receive immigrant status. The legal system in the U.S was racial discriminatory. The sequence of laws from 1882 through 1934 excluded immigrants from China, Japan, India and the Philippines. It was therefore biased.( The Chinese exclusion of Act of 1882 prohibited citizenship for Chinese immigrants in 1884, 1886 and 1888 other acts were passed to reinforce this act. It was the only act that was so explicit on race-based immigration. The Immigration Act of 1917: Exclusion of Asian Indians Act. This Act was passed basing on the fact that their racial and ethnic status was not well elaborated. In 1922, Japan born applicants who had lived in the U.S for most of their lives could not get U.S citizenship. This was done with the argument that their language differed very much from the U.S and this would create problems. However, so as not to create problems based on color, the court defined white as ‘Caucasian’. In 1923, as immigrants from India and Bhagat Singh Thind attempted to claim that they were ‘Caucasian’. The court changed the definition. It sidelined anthropological and historical issues to coin a word that would not cause much attention. It also separated the desirable immigrants form the undesirable ones. (Josiah 57) The Immigration Act of 1924 excluded Japanese from U.S citizenship. This act totally excluded Japanese and other Asian who had been barred by the 1790 Naturalization law that stated that only whites could be naturalized as citizens. It was aimed at reducing or balancing ethnic distribution as immigrants from Europe and Asia were increasing drastically. (Miller et al, 304) The Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1932 excluded Filipino’s easy access to its citizenship it reduced the number of persons to be taken in to  ¼ of 50 persons per year. Filipinos living in the U.S were named or titled ‘aliens’. The U.S reaction against the Filipino’s was connected with issue of Philippine independence from U.S colonization. This was like a hit back gesture towards the Filipinos. ( In 1913, 1920, 1923 alien land laws prohibited the Asians, immigrants’ from owning any form of property including land. The U.S considered those who were not whites ineligible to acquire citizenship and consequently could not own property. The Asian Barred Zone Act of 1917, denied people from South Asia to South East Asia and the islands. In the Indian and Pacific oceans surprisingly, it excluded American possessions of the Philippines and Guam. The Magnuson Act of 1943 brought a significant change to the plight of immigrants of Asian origin. It repealed the 1882 exclusion act that prohibited immigrants of Asian origin from gaining U.S citizenship. It established a quota for Chinese immigrants and made Chinese eligible for citizenship. (Bromwell 225) The Mc Carran Act of 1952 abolished the 1917 Asia Barred Zone Act and allowed Asian immigration into the United States based on ethnic quotas. The quotas were not specified on nationality but through racialized ethnic categories. 100 ethnic persons were allowed to enter U.S annually. These were from diverse nations. The Cold War effects made the U.S to have strict quotas that were based on strategic territorial mapping. Any alien who engaged in questionable activities would be deported on the claims of ‘public interest ‘or ‘national security’ threat issues. (Miller et al, 57) The 1965 immigration act removed ‘natural origins’ as the basis of the U.S immigration legislation. This is say that considering citizens only by birth was eliminated. It was an amendment of the 1952 Mc Carren Act. It gave preferences to people of the Eastern Hemisphere and allowed their adult unmarried sons and daughters to be citizens. Spouses and unmarried sons and daughters of permanent residents could also gain U.S citizenship. Professionals, scientists and artists who had extreme capabilities were allowed in too. Other categories of people who got U.S citizenship were married adults sons and daughters of U.S citizenship, brothers and sisters of adult citizens, workers both skilled and unskilled who would fill the deficient labor supply in the U.S as well as refugees who came from communist based countries. Those affected by natural calamities were also allowed. After 1965, legal regulations on immigration shifted their focus or refocused on how definition was put. For instance ‘alien’ was replaced with illegal. The Asia immigrant history is reflected in the Asian American culture and they do remember how the U.S segregated them. The Indochina migration and refugee Assistance Act of 1975, the Refugee Act of 1980, and the Amerasian homecoming Act of 1987 facilitated the immigration and settlement of Southeast Asian refugees. The Asian immigration comprised immigrants from South Korea, Philippines, South Vietnam and Cambodia and was due to U.S colonialism, war and neocolonialism. Most Asians immigrated due to disruption by colonialism or distortions form neocolonial practices like capitalism or due to war. In 1986 the Immigrant Reform and Control Act was put in place. It was to reform the current situation on immigration. The Immigration Act of 1990 reinforced it. Illegal citizens got citizenship those who were there before 1982. It was a crime to hire illegal immigrants. Immigration today is still a sensitive mater than creates, contradictions between the capital and the state, economic and political imperatives.   Californians Proposition 187 was passed in 1994 and it denies education and medical care to illegal immigrants. It is observed that groups aimed here are Mexicans and Latinos. Latinos and Mexicans have provided semi-skilled labor to the U.S since the 1950’s. They work in farms, hotels and domestic services in U.S and they get low wages for that. They work under poor conditions. The U.S does not improve their working conditions and those positions do not attract its own citizens. This perpetuates the movement of illegal immigration in search for low wage jobs. (George 52) The 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 made significant changes on asylum law, immigration detention, and criminal-related immigration. The Real ID Act of 2005 was aimed at barring terrorism. National standards were established, waiving laws that interfered with construction of physical barriers at the borders. It entailed frightening laws on application for asylum and alien deportation for terrorism activity. The government funded reports with security and changing visa limits for temporary workers. After the 9/11 U.S had to reform the immigration laws. Entry of civil immigration was to be put into the national crime information center, a computer crime database to criminalize it. Deportation was to take place. People supporting immigrants would be jailed. Employees will be required to verify their employee’s eligibility to work through the employment eligibility verification systems. Illegal workers were to be granted guest workers visas. H-1 B visas would be designed for comprises to employ temporary skilled workers. There is need to reform the current, immigration rules and regulations in U.S. the rule of verifying ones immigration status even in churches is an extreme. It reduces the work of the church leaders to immigration enforcement officials. Being penalized for helping immigrants who in most cases are poor is jeopardizing with Christians faith of a call to help. It will create conflict between the church and the state. (Bill Ong Hing 79) Today, the system will fail to attract and retain legal permanent immigrants who are most able to contribute valuable human resources to the country. Reforms ought to be done to legal permanent and temporary systems to promote recruitment and retainment of migrants who can contribute to the U.S national interest in immigration.   Reforming of changing the institutional and regulatory structure governing the employment of immigrants within the U.S to ensure migrants contribute maximally to development of U.S and at reduced costs. Immigration control policies should be changed and immigration should not be used as a tool of foreign policy. ( The government should tackle long-term issues regarding to the immigrants role in the economy instead of tackling new temporary worker program. The immigration bill will cost the country a lot of money and this would be jeopardized if ID theft were carried out. Creation of Employment Eligibility Verification (EEV) systems that will entail high levels of sharing of information across many electronic databases can be easily tampered. EEV’S will expose people’s personal information like social security records, passport and visa records and even birth and death records, all of which can be used for identity. The 2005 House of Representatives bill 4437 (H.R 4437) about creating a fence along Mexico and criminalizing the aiding of illegal immigrants and mandatory detention of illegal aliens is an in called for measure. It is against the international human rights as the immigrants are people who have rights.   Detaining someone without evidence of crime committed is an unfair act. Although the H-1 B visas will allow immigrants to work in U.S companies temporarily is not good enough. There will be extreme competition for the visas provided. The industries that benefit a lot from foreign expertise will not optimize their production, as they would want the number of visas increased. ( Bill Ong Hing 79) More rational and long-term solutions should be sought to replace the harsh penalties that have been put in place. The process of legally attempting to enter the U.S and the workforce is not only complex but also expensive and time consuming even for those who would could add value to the country’s human resource. Immigration to Australia is different from the U.S. the country has a strong economy and attracts highly skilled young people who are willing. It uses fair criteria in absorbing immigrants into its workforce. It applies one’s qualifications, work experience as well as language proficiency. It has established immigration programs like the Humanitarian Program and Australian Family Migration. It emphasizes on attracting people who can contribute positively to the economy. It assists immigrants in settling by helping them reside in areas of their choice. Canada is one of the world’s top immigration destination and more than 200,000 new arrivals come under the Canada immigration system annually. It is easier to settle in Canada and obtaining a visa is not very difficult. Like Australia, Canada encourages people with skills and experience and those who are to venture into business. A large proportion of immigration to Canada is under family re union and refugee programs. It also allows for people who are on holidays. Germany on the other hand attempts to encourage the highly skilled workers low skilled workers will therefore find its accessibility difficult. Professors, natural scientists, engineers and scientific qualified personnel in high technologies find immigration easy. They are also given permanent residence and their family members allowed working in Germany as well. Self employed immigrants or entrepreneurs are also allowed as long as they create jobs for Germans and makes profits. Through the Schengen Agreement people can travel through the Schengen countries with one schengen visa. Policy makers should see the global market for immigrants as an opportunity. The visa laws should take advantage of the situation by ensuring that the recruitment process is beneficial to the country through enabling retainment of needed immigrants. Economic migration will be beneficial to the country’s economy. The legal visa system fails to meet its goals. It is outdated and waiting lists for some family visas take more than 20 years. This hinders family members who applied at the prime of their lives to be eventually denied the chance until they are at their retirement age and can add very little if any economic contribution. ( The logic of family reunion is at times not realized and this is a cause of illegal migration due to frustrations experienced. Setting numerical limits of how many are to be accepted in the system will not be a successful measure unless there is an establishment of flexible numerical limits with mechanisms put in place for adjusting the limits up or down. The criteria used to come up with the limits as to which one should not exceed is also questionable. There could lack consensus on how much the number should be causing loopholes in the system. Immigrants have been beneficial to the U.S economy and they contribute to majority of the new jobs. The issue of immigration is a politicized issue and the point is lost when politics outshine facts and economics. Immigrants should not be harshly treated. Family based visa rules should be restructured to attain the sole purpose of family reunion visas. However this should not outshine the economic function role. Temporary visas are not the best to attract the most outstanding immigrants. Very harsh measures on immigrants who are basically looking for better lives in lesser paying jobs are uncalled for. The many undocumented immigrants do not actually cause a threat to the U.S security. They suffer a lot due to the limited access to social and political services. Criminalizing undocumented immigrants will be a problem as it will encourage more activities in the black market and it won’t be economically viable for the U.S. Tightening security at the borders is a brilliant idea but the rate at which deaths are registered is alarming. If policies were more accommodating this should not be occurring. Increasing the staff and the technology to speed up legal entries will be an appropriate measure in ensuring that immigrants are cleared up faster. According to the conservatives deportation act will not be economically viable to the country. They support the immigrants in fighting for their rights through numerous strikes and demonstrations. The libels support the government in enforcing its sanctions. They are willing and ready to support the government in fighting its enemies be it foreign or domestic.   Conservatives advocate for creation of new legal channels for immigrants. However, protection of national security should not be neglected. To prevent future illegal border crossing the congress should grant immigrants already in U.S form of legal status. Works cited: Jana Evans-Braziel.History of migration and immigration laws in the United States. General premises of US Citizens.Retreived on 29th October 2007 from Marc R.Rosenblum.US Immigration Reform can the system Be repaired. Retrieved on 29th October 2006 from Bromwell W. Jeremy. History of Immigrants to the United States, A M Kelley, 1969.pp 225 Miller E Willard and Ruby M: United States Immigration. A Reference handbook 1996 JV6465 M55.pp304. Josiah M Herman: Finding a Moral heart for US Migration policy. An anthropological Perspective.pp57 Roy H.Beck: The Case Against migration NewYork, 1996,pp40 George J.Borjas: Heavens doors. Princeton University Press.1999, pp52. Bill O. Hing: The immigrant as criminal: Punishing dreamers.9 Hasting women’s law 1998 Journal 79   

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Why My Mother is My Hero - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 550 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/02/20 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: My Hero Essay Did you like this example? We all have someone we admire and want to be just like one day and we all have different opinions about what a true hero is. The person I consider my hero is my mother, Angela Rivera. My mom has been there for me through thick and thin and she’s never left my side, not once. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Why My Mother is My Hero" essay for you Create order I wouldn’t know where I’d be in life today if I didn’t have her. She has brought me into this world and has done nothing but love me unconditionally and I am forever thankful for everything she does and has done for me. Nobody could ever replace my mother. She is the most humble, loving, and caring person I know and for that reason she is my hero. When I think of a hero, I imagine someone strong and fearless, someone who works hard and doesn’t give up easily. Someone who can guide you and protect you; my mother has all of those qualities. My mom was raised by two wonderful parents, in a farm with thirteen other siblings. She was born in Mexico in a small Ranch named, â€Å"La Campana† it is an hour away from the nearest town, which is called â€Å"Coalcoman.† For that reason she wasn’t able to finish school because in order to go to school my grandpa had to drive her and the rest of her siblings to town which was an hour away from where they lived. This required many trips because like I mentioned before, my mom has thirteen siblings. This didn’t stop my mom. Even though she only made it to the sixth grade she has always taught me and my siblings that getting an education is important and that we at least have to finish high school. So every day I wake up and go to school to make her proud. M y mother joined my father and came to the â€Å"land of the free,† the United States of America. They came here seeking for a fresh start and better economic opportunities. Both my parents worked in the fields every year, all year round to provide us with everything that we needed. After a few years of them being here my father decides to go back to Mexico alone, where he then was arrested. Ever since, my mother has worked very hard to make sure that we are okay. A hero to me is someone who is there for you no matter what, even through the toughest times. My mom has never left my side, and I know she will always be here no matter what I’m going through. Whether I’m upset or celebrating a new accomplishment, she will be there waiting for me with her arms wide open. I’ve never met a person more loving and caring than her. She has always put my siblings and I first over everything; giving us the best life. My mother and I don’t have the perfect relationship. We disagree on a lot of things and we sometimes get in arguments but that will never change the fact that she is my mother. No matter how big the fight is we always end up making up because we both know that we can’t live without each other.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Typical Course of Study for 12th Grade

In their last year of high school, most students are wrapping up required courses, shoring up any weak areas, and using electives to explore potential career options.   College-bound seniors may need guidance  in selecting the best courses to support their secondary-education plans. Some students may be planning a gap year to allow themselves time to figure out their next steps while others may be going directly into the workforce. Because 12th-graders plans can vary so widely, its essential to help them customize their coursework for their final high school credits.   Language Arts Many colleges expect a student to complete four years of high school language arts. A typical course of study for 12th grade includes literature, composition, grammar, and vocabulary. If a student has not completed British, American, or World Literature, senior year is the time to do so. A focused study of Shakespeare is another option, or students may choose from other books recommended for high school seniors. It is common for students to spend a semester each researching, planning and writing two in-depth  research papers. Students should learn how to complete a cover page, cite sources, and include a bibliography.   It is also wise to use the time when theyre writing their research papers to ensure that students have a strong working knowledge of standard computer software and programs used to format and print their document. This may include word processing, spreadsheet, and publishing software. Students also need to continue writing a variety of essay styles across the curriculum on a wide range of topics. Grammar should be incorporated in this process, ensuring that students understand the difference between formal and informal writing, when to use each, and how to use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation in all types of writing. Math By 12th grade, most students have completed Algebra I, Algebra II, and geometry. If they have not, they should use their senior year to do so.   A typical course of study for 12th-grade math includes  a solid understanding of algebra, calculus, and statistics concepts. Students may take classes such as pre-calculus, calculus, trigonometry, statistics, accounting, business math, or consumer math. Science Most colleges expect to see only 3 years of science credit, therefore a fourth year of science is not required for graduation in most cases, nor is there a typical course of study for the subject. Students who have not already completed 3 years of science should work on completion during their senior year. Students who are going into a science-related field may wish to take an additional science course. Options for 12th-grade science include physics, anatomy, physiology, advanced courses (biology, chemistry, physics), zoology, botany, geology, or any dual-enrollment college science course.   Students may also wish to pursue purely interest-led courses in the science field, such as equine studies, nutrition, forensics, or horticulture. Social Studies As with science, most colleges expect to see only 3 years of social studies credit, so there is no standard course of study for 12th-grade social studies. Students may be interested in elective courses that fall under the category of social studies such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, geography, world religions, or theology. If they have not previously studied them, the following topics are good options for 12th grade: principles of U.S. government; primary documents of the U.S.; United States agriculture; urbanization; conservation; business and industry in the U.S.; propaganda and public opinion; comparative governments; comparative economic systems; consumer education; economics; and taxation and finance. Students may also wish to study topics such as international relations and organizations and  American foreign policy or take a dual-enrollment college course. Electives Most colleges expect to see at least 6 elective credits. College-bound students should consider courses such as foreign language (at least two years of the same language) and the visual and performing arts (at least one year of credit).   Students who are not college-bound should be encouraged to earn elective credit in areas of potential career interest. Students can study almost any topic for elective credit.   Some options include graphic design, computer programming, digital media, typing, public speaking, debate, home economics, test prep, or drafting. In many cases, students can count work experience for elective credit. Many colleges also expect to see at least one year of physical education credit and one semester of health or first aid.